Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Where's Dr. Phil? It's time to get real.

187 this morning.

I GAINED 1.2 lbs!!!!!!

Jesus. I ate well but in the back of my mind knew that my portions still needed to be trimmed. I also went to a "cooking class" on Thursday where the "teacher" made a delicious meal and I ate every bite. I know I wasn't perfect but a gain? Did not expect that. I even feel better. Granted, the last weigh in was the morning after a 24 hour puke/explosive D battle so I am sure it did not reflect the appropriate weight but this is not a good way to get back on the wagon.

I am not going to get discouraged I am going to trim my portions even more this week. I do not have any social obligations so I shouldn't have any reason to stray off my eating plan. I am going to try and write everything down but I don't know why that always seems like such a battle. To get me started, today I had:

BREAKFAST 266 calories:
1 Van's waffle: 115 calories
1/2 tbsp buttery spread 44 calories
1/2 and 1/2 in coffee 80 calories
sugar in coffee 27 calories


LUNCH 500 calories:
1 Trader Joe's Roasted Butternut Squash, Red quinoa and Wheatberry Salad with baby arugula, cranberries, toasted almonds and a honey sesame vinaigrette. I did not eat the goat cheese and I ate 1/2 the dressing so I am going to say it was 400 calories. Not worth it. Won't get that one again
1 Trader Joe's 70% Dark Chocolate 100 calorie bar. WORTH IT

For the rest of the day I plan to have:

AFTERNOON SNACK: Hard boiled egg. 60 calories. Whoop de doo ( I also had a small handful of almonds with said egg)

413 calories
 Slow Cooker Black Bean Tacos 313 calories
Trade Joe's mini cheesecake ice cream wedge 100 calories

That would mean I ate 1,239 calories which will be just about right.


Maybe this will help. Today's biggest loser pics:

That's what we call a HANDSOME WOMAN.

The side one kills me. It is the most ridiculous shape ever. What a blob!! I may try to do an entry every afternoon while Jane is napping to keep me on track with counting calories.

THIS SUCKS!!!! Food is delicious but I really do want to see 155 so I will keep starving myself and not get discouraged. I really hope I have good news to share next week.

Later Tubsters!

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