Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 8 of write it down

1,496 to 1,713 calories per day: 

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64

Morning snack: 100

Lunch: 340
3 mini pitas 60
2tbsp hummus 60
light cheese stick 60hard boiled egg: 60
red pepper
apple slices
70% dark chocolate bar 100 

Afternoon Snack 180
Luna Bar 180

tiny mandarin orange
Dinner 476
Garlic Shrimp 1.5 servings 316 
1/2 cup brown rice 100
sherbet cup 60 

1,399 TOTAL

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