Monday, January 28, 2013

Calorie counting day 7

Big weigh in tomorrow so i want to be really low on my calorie range today. 

Stay between 1,496 to 1,713 calories per day: 

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64

Morning snack: 200
Trader Joe's Trail Mix packet: 200 calories

Lunch: 430
Trader Joe's greek salad: 250
hard boiled egg: 60
Luna Bar 180

Afternoon Snack 180
Mango greek yogurt 120
cheese stick 60

Dinner 360
Baked Haddock with Spinach and Tomatoes 200
sherbet cup 60 calories
1/2 cup brown rice 100 calories

1,473 calories

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