Sunday, January 27, 2013

Calorie Counting Day 6

I went out to eat with neighborhood ladies and did ok. I shouldn't have had any bread or fried calamari but it was so delicious. I ordered a "small plate" of salmon for my entree which was a good choice and the wine tasted so good! Only drink I had all week. I still managed to stay within my total calories for the day even with this dinner splurge. 

Stay between 1,496 to 1,713 calories per day: 

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64

Morning snack: 45 calories
Half small Banana 45 calories

Lunch: 365 calories
Small bowl chicken noodle soup 140 calories
small piece of baguette 45 calories 
Luna Bar 180 calories

Snack 100 calories
100 calorie chocolate bar Trader Joe's 

celery sticks

Dinner 720!!!!!!!!!
salmon at Square Cafe 280
fried calamari 240
one glass red wine 160 calories
small piece of bread 40 

1,533 TOTAL 

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