Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Counting calories

Greetings Fattys!

No weigh in until next Tuesday but I stuck to my exact eating plan yesterday and I counted calories and wrote it down and shared it so I am doing that again today. Why is it that after one day I feel I deserve a medal?

I have had success following weight watchers in the past but the meeting times don't work with my kid and YMCA schedule and I am trying to avoid spending money to lose weight. So, I am counting calories with an obvious understanding that some calories are better than others. I went to a calorie website that told me the following:

I am going to shoot for the 1,496 to 1,713 range which means yesterday I ate less than "Extreme Fat Loss". I will readjust the calculator at each new weight.

I know this is minutiae but I have to do it. Do not feel compelled to read my mania.

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64
Basically my two morning coffees every morning will equate to 144 calories. What a V punch.

Morning snack 140 Calories:
Lemon Chobani Greek yogurt

Lunch 510 calories:
Trader Joe's Kale & Edamame Bistro Salad with sweetened dried cranberries, cherry tomatoes, almonds, scallions and 1/2 of the lemon herb dressing provided. 410 calories - you would think it was Big Mac! It's Kale for fu&^%'s sake! But it really is delicious.
Trader Joe's dark 70% chocolate bar 100 calories

Afternoon Snack: 160 calories
1/2 cup low fat chive and onion cottage cheese 90 calories
3 slices Wasa crisp' n light crackerbread 70 calories it's friggen air
season salt

Dinner: 425 calories
Egg white omelet with english muffin
15 TBSP egg whites 125 calories
1/4 cup light cheese 80 calories
ass load of veggies (onion, red pepper, tomato, cilantro, spinach etc)not counting calories for veggies 
1 100% whole wheat english muffin 120 calories
100 calorie dessert bar

If I stick to this plan I will total 1,538 for the day which is fine considering they are almost all nutritious calories.

Here's to another day of misery!

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