Saturday, January 26, 2013

Calorie Counting Day 5


Stay between 1,496 to 1,713 calories per day: 

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64

Morning Snack: 200 calories
Kind Bar (went for more calories because I knew I couldn't eat lunch until 2pm due to hair appt) 

Lunch: 470 calories
egg sandwich: 310 calories
english muffin 120 calories
egg 60 calories
cheese 50 calories
1 sausage 80 calories
wasa crackers and cottage cheese 160 calories

No afternoon snack

Dinner 350 calories
chicken noodle soup 200 calories
small chunk of baguette 50
100 calorie dessert

Homeland Snack: 120 calories
120 Trader Joe's calorie trail mix packet


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