Friday, January 25, 2013

Calorie Counting Day 4

Project Slim Plan for Friday

Stay between 1,496 to 1,713 calories per day: 

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64

Morning snack Calories: 170 calories
Trader Joe's Strawberry Greek Yogurt 120 calories
1 small apple 50 calories

Lunch 425 calories:
Egg white omelet with english muffin:
15 TBSP egg whites 125 calories
1/4 cup light cheese 80 calories
ass load of veggies not counting calories for veggies 
1 100% whole wheat english muffin 120 calories
Trader Joe's dark 70% chocolate bar 100 calories

Afternoon Snack: 300 calories
Luna Bar 180 calories
21 soy crisps 120 calories

Dinner:  455 calories
Individual Trader Joe's pepperoni pizza 290 calories
mixed green salad with 1 tbsp Ken's Honey Balsamic dressing 45 calories
120 calorie dessert bar

TOTAL: 1,653 calories

Stick that in your ill fitting brazier.

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