Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weigh In Day

I lost 1.8

I am now back to where I was on November 1st before I fell off the wagon for the holidays. It's a loss and I'll take it but I'll be honest I was hoping for more. It felt like the longest week of my life. I felt very disciplined and deprived. But, my monthly bill arrived yesterday which probably screwed me up a little bit. I feel huge and bloated. I also didn't exercise because Jane was sick all week and I didn't take her to the Y.

I am going to stick to documenting my daily plans and see if I can get to a new low next week. New low meaning a number I haven't seen in at least a year.

I do feel better and am not as hungry as I was the first few days. Slow and steady right?

Here's what a 185.2 pound tubster with her Aunt Flo looks like in Biggest Loser attire:

The waist size is staggering!!!


Plan for today: 

Breakfast 303 Calories:
1 Van's waffle 115
1 tsp butter spread 44
4 tbsp half and half for 2 coffees 80
4 tsp sugar for 2 coffees 64

Morning snack: 180
Kind Bar 180 calories

Lunch: 470
Trader Joe's Kale and edamame salad: 410
hard boiled egg: 60

Afternoon Snack 180
Luna Bar 180

Breaded eggplant with arugula and parm - need to calculate calories after I review recipe
sherbet cup 60 calories

Have a good week Tubsters!

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