Tuesday, April 2, 2013

11th Weigh In

Well...I have been MIA since weigh in 8.  I had 2 gains in a row and was in a slump and needed a break from posting. Weigh in 9 I was up 1 pound at 177.8. Weigh in 10 I was up another .4 at 178.2. It was very discouraging.

This morning I weighed in and I am -1.4 back to where I was at weigh in 8 (3weeks ago on 3/12!!):

So yes I am glad to be down 1.4 from last week but I am not at a new low. That means my next weigh in needs to kick ass to make up for basically a month of stagnation! I am going to shoot for a 2 lb loss but I'll take anything. That is 7.8 lbs in 11 weeks. THIS SHIT TAKES PATIENCE Y'ALL. I really want to see a new low number. It seems like it has been forever. 

I finally feel motivated again today. Two gaining weigh ins in a row messes with your head and your motivation. I never gave up completely but I did stop logging my food which is the kiss of death. 

I gotta say I have been hungrier than usual over the past 3 weeks and the things that used to fill me up aren't getting it done for me so I need to mix up my meals I know that. I found myself eating kids leftovers and craving crunchy salty snacks. 

I have thought about lowering my daily calorie max but I honestly don't think I can sustain it. 1,500 a day I can do but 1,200 every day would be really tough. I am going to try to do 1,200 a couple days a week and see how it goes.

It is starting to get nicer out and when I take the kids outside in the afternoon I don't think about food and I am more active so I hope that will help as Spring weather gets warmer.

This past week I had the most possible sabotages that I have had since I started in January and I made it through. Both days that I went out to dinner I looked up the menu online and pre-logged what I was going to eat and stuck to it exactly. I only had one drink each night :(. Easter Sunday I didn't log and definitely ate more than I should but somehow I made it through. I did do an extra day of tennis on Saturday for a couple hours which probably helped a bit. I don't have any temptations this week or weekend so I am going to try to really rock it.

Even though I am not at a new low I still took progress pics to keep me on task (same weight as pics from last post so nothing new to see here):




Again, I do have a small space above my knees that I didn't have before. I wish I had that at the inner thigh mark! 

I REALLY hope to have good news next week. Warm weather is coming soon and I am still only fit for a "sensible swim suit". Need to stay connected to myfitnesspal!!! Tubstergoo focus in effect. LOOSE SKIN HERE I COME!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

8th Weigh In!

I lost -.8 this week.

That's 7.8 lbs in 8 weeks. 

I am happy with this result because I did not have a perfect week:

- I had 3 workouts instead of 4 because of a snow day.

- I ate takeout for the first time in 2 months on Sat night. It was glorious. It was chicken and cheese quesedilla with black beans and rice. If I ate half I would have been ok but I took it all down like a rabid wolverine. I forgot to breathe. However, I did not have chips and guacamole and a margarita with it which helps. I also didn't eat dessert which is hard for me.

- I didn't log my food Sat or Sun for the first time in 2 months. Half reason is I was depressed I wasn't on vacation and getting a break from this house after 2 months of famine, the other half is I think I needed a break from logging every morsel. However, I got right back on the wagon Monday so that's ok.

So given all these transgressions I am happy to have a loss.

My clothes are more comfortable but I am getting tired of a lot of my go to foods so I need to think about better lunch ideas before I burn out on egg whites.

I may be broke and housebound and tubby but I am less tubby than I was 2 months ago and I want to keep going!!!!

Who's with me???

Tubsters unite!!!!!!

8 week progress pics:




Notice on the back photos that at 177.2 there us a tiny gap above knees where you can see white table through legs which did not happen at 185. Yes that is grasping at straws but it keeps me going!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7th Weigh In RESULTS!

I  lost 1 pound this week

That is 7 lbs in 7 weeks. 

Still no pedicure in sight.

29 weeks until my 40th Birthday. If I keep on track at 1 lb per week then I will have lost 36 lbs. Since 30 is my goal I have left myself a 6lb wiggle room. 


I need to stay focused on how badly I want this. So, I am sharing with you some reasons why I want to lose weight:

Progression pics:




185 lbs
178 lbs

I think I see improvements in the side view but let's face it, it's only 7 lbs. I expect to see more visual changes by about 15 lbs. I still look like Alfred Hitchcock. And there is a very creepy nipple in the sports bra situation that I should be ashamed of, but apparently don't care. 

Here's to another week of hard fought weight loss. This is not easy!!!!!!!!

My jeans DO feel better today. Even if they are elastic waist and could qualify as "pajama jeans". 

Keep at it tubsters!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

6th weigh in results!

I lost -.2.

I wish those 2 ounces came straight from what appears to be a bunion on my left foot. Check it out. Nasty.

Total lost in 6 weeks is an even 6 lbs.

I am on day 3 of my period and I feel very bloated and disgusting. I definitely don't feel lighter today even though I had a very good week eating with 4 workouts.

At this point I am just glad it is not a gain and I am not back in the 180's. Really don't want to ever see that decade again. Hoping for a big loss next Tuesday. I am on track to hit my goal for my 40th in September so I won't complain even though I feel like I have put my life on hold for 6 weeks and it has felt like an eternity and I still look like I'm covered in pizza dough.

I am also trying not to spend any money and succeeded in achieving the lowest monthly Amex bill we have ever had this past month. It was half our average monthly Amex bill. I am very proud that I cut my spending that hard core but it comes at a price! Believe me I felt it. I have cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner every day for 6 weeks. No takeout. No going out. I went out to eat once with some neighbors but still cooked for Matt and the girls that night. It means I have spent a lot of time entertaining the kids myself. Did not sign the 4 year old up for ANYTHING over school vacation week. My life has been going to the Y and staying home cooking healthy meals, smack talking with my weight loss buddies on the computer and keeping my 18 month old alive, fed and unsoiled.

Between the strict diet and the strict spending cuts I feel 1/2 proud and 1/2 like I am going insane. Add some gray weather, snow and a leaking furnace to that and it gets more grim. Discipline is back in the Givney house but this tubster has no life as a result.

I do need to plan some fun rewards for some big weight loss milestones to keep my morale up because Lord knows I am not going to get the support from my husband. He has been losing weight also and this morning asked me how I will feel when he "catches up to me". If he weighs less than I do, I am going to send myself to a luxury fat camp.  My ego could not take that kind of hit.

6lb loss before and afters. I really don't see any differences yet:

FRONT 1/15 185:
FRONT 2/26 179

SIDE 1/15 185
SIDE 2/26 179

BACK 1/15 185
BACK 2/26 179

One of these days I need to decide if I will put up some pictures of my "flap" on this blog. The crime scene located under my belly button. I am not ready to do that yet but I do have some flaptastic photos in my archives. Let's put it this way, It will most definitely be the first area to fall victim to "loose skin". I don't know what is worse: a flap full of fat or a loose flap that used to have fat but can't bounce back. 

27 weeks until I turn 40.

Later Tubsters. Keep truckin'. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5th weigh in Goodbye 180's!!!

I lost 4.8 pounds!
THANK GOD. I was beginning to doubt all science and conventional wisdom. 
That's 5.8 pounds in 5 weeks.

Here's a recap of my 5 weigh ins:

STARTING WEIGHT ON 1/15: 185 (after a 36 hour stomach bug)
1) 1/22 187 - gained 2 by not logging food this week and look what happened
2) 1/29 185.2 - lost 1.8 by logging food and staying within calories
3) 2/05 182.2 - lost 3 pounds by logging food and staying within calories
4) 2/12 184 - gained 1.8 by logging food & adding 4 workouts: 2 Zumba, one treadmill, one yoga
5) 2/19 179.2 - lost 4.8 by logging food & 4 workouts: 2 Zumba, 2 treadmill

Week 4 is still so bizarre to me and I can only explain that adding workouts caused my muscles to retain water that week and reflected as a gain on the scale. This one was very tough to take. I was perfect all week!

While I still feel like 5.8 pounds for 5 weeks is slow and stingy it is in the right direction and it does feel good to be in the 170's. Now I just have to never allow the 180s to creep back onto the scale. 
If I stay at this pace every 5 weeks I will hit my goal of at least 30 pounds by age 40 in September. 
I must admit I was very discouraged and bummed out this past week. I bitched a lot about the scale. Didn't help that I had a cold, a hemorrhoid, a stiff neck and an 18 month old (who is like a hemorrhoid in human form). I stuck with it and was determined that the scale would change for my 5th weigh in. 
I also felt lighter.

 I know it's only 5.8 pounds but my body feels a little different. Less puffy or something. My stomach and thighs just feel a little different in my clothes which is always a sign. 
I do secretly wish that the total pounds for 5 weeks was higher because I am completely hunkered down and not eating out or going out socially in order to get off to a good start with this weight loss while it is still winter and it might be a lot slower once life picks up and there are more social engagements. Oh well. A loss is a loss.

As far as hunger goes, I am pretty satisfied and not dying of hunger all day. I am not craving my crunchy snacks like I used to. I am most hungry at lunch and I try to save my calories and eat a bigger lunch. I have eliminated the morning snack and now eat Breakfast, lunch 3pmish snack and dinner. I am more motivated to eat protein because I really don't crave snacks when I eat enough protein. I still eat some dark chocolate almost every day.

Ok Biggest Loser 5 weeks progression pics:

BACK Jan 15 185lbs

BACK Feb 19 179.2 lbs

FRONT Jan 15 185 lbs
FRONT Feb 19 179.2 lbs

SIDE Jan 15 185 lbs

SIDE Feb 19 179.2 lbs

Ok it just took me about 4 hours to write this post because my 4 year old has a friend over and there was a "teaparty" on a beach towel on the kitchen floor involving a lot of water and soggy goldfish and then my daughter's friend slipped on the wet floor from the tea party water that was everywhere and she cried and I had to make sure she was ok and then have them help me clean up the crime scene. 


Later Tubsters. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

4th weigh in WTF?????

I gained 1.8 lbs.

I can't believe it. I am very pissed. I ate under my calories EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is religiously documented in my myfitnesspal account. I also worked out for the first time.  I had 4 workouts!!!! I don't understand how it is scientifically possible that I GAINED weight! It makes no sense to me and I am pissed. Hoping for a big one next Tuesday.

Total lost in first 4 weeks of operation starvation: 1.8. I have made MAJOR changes in my eating for 4 weeks religiously and have lost only 1.8. I could scream. 2 of the 4 weigh ins were GAINS!!! WTF??? This is not how it is supposed to work the first month.

Too pissed to write anymore. Didn't even want to update this post. Also have a raging roid that is making me ornery as hell. Wake me up when this diet ends!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

3rd weigh in

I lost 3 pounds this week! Wahoo! 


Down a total of 4.8 over 3 weeks.

I am happy with the outcome.

That was with counting every calorie, didn't go out to eat once and zero alcohol. WORKED OUT ONE DAY ONLY.

Now if I could just tackle the cankles,  hammertoes and lack of pedicure.

Would LOVE to get to the 170's next weigh in. I AM VERY MOTIVATED.

Obligatory biggest loser pics so I don't get cocky:


Think it's time to take down the wreath in the window...

I am actually cold at home today. Does that mean I am a cold skinny bitch? Some day...

Plan for today:

Keep at it Tubsters!