Tuesday, February 26, 2013

6th weigh in results!

I lost -.2.

I wish those 2 ounces came straight from what appears to be a bunion on my left foot. Check it out. Nasty.

Total lost in 6 weeks is an even 6 lbs.

I am on day 3 of my period and I feel very bloated and disgusting. I definitely don't feel lighter today even though I had a very good week eating with 4 workouts.

At this point I am just glad it is not a gain and I am not back in the 180's. Really don't want to ever see that decade again. Hoping for a big loss next Tuesday. I am on track to hit my goal for my 40th in September so I won't complain even though I feel like I have put my life on hold for 6 weeks and it has felt like an eternity and I still look like I'm covered in pizza dough.

I am also trying not to spend any money and succeeded in achieving the lowest monthly Amex bill we have ever had this past month. It was half our average monthly Amex bill. I am very proud that I cut my spending that hard core but it comes at a price! Believe me I felt it. I have cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner every day for 6 weeks. No takeout. No going out. I went out to eat once with some neighbors but still cooked for Matt and the girls that night. It means I have spent a lot of time entertaining the kids myself. Did not sign the 4 year old up for ANYTHING over school vacation week. My life has been going to the Y and staying home cooking healthy meals, smack talking with my weight loss buddies on the computer and keeping my 18 month old alive, fed and unsoiled.

Between the strict diet and the strict spending cuts I feel 1/2 proud and 1/2 like I am going insane. Add some gray weather, snow and a leaking furnace to that and it gets more grim. Discipline is back in the Givney house but this tubster has no life as a result.

I do need to plan some fun rewards for some big weight loss milestones to keep my morale up because Lord knows I am not going to get the support from my husband. He has been losing weight also and this morning asked me how I will feel when he "catches up to me". If he weighs less than I do, I am going to send myself to a luxury fat camp.  My ego could not take that kind of hit.

6lb loss before and afters. I really don't see any differences yet:

FRONT 1/15 185:
FRONT 2/26 179

SIDE 1/15 185
SIDE 2/26 179

BACK 1/15 185
BACK 2/26 179

One of these days I need to decide if I will put up some pictures of my "flap" on this blog. The crime scene located under my belly button. I am not ready to do that yet but I do have some flaptastic photos in my archives. Let's put it this way, It will most definitely be the first area to fall victim to "loose skin". I don't know what is worse: a flap full of fat or a loose flap that used to have fat but can't bounce back. 

27 weeks until I turn 40.

Later Tubsters. Keep truckin'. 

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