Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5th weigh in Goodbye 180's!!!

I lost 4.8 pounds!
THANK GOD. I was beginning to doubt all science and conventional wisdom. 
That's 5.8 pounds in 5 weeks.

Here's a recap of my 5 weigh ins:

STARTING WEIGHT ON 1/15: 185 (after a 36 hour stomach bug)
1) 1/22 187 - gained 2 by not logging food this week and look what happened
2) 1/29 185.2 - lost 1.8 by logging food and staying within calories
3) 2/05 182.2 - lost 3 pounds by logging food and staying within calories
4) 2/12 184 - gained 1.8 by logging food & adding 4 workouts: 2 Zumba, one treadmill, one yoga
5) 2/19 179.2 - lost 4.8 by logging food & 4 workouts: 2 Zumba, 2 treadmill

Week 4 is still so bizarre to me and I can only explain that adding workouts caused my muscles to retain water that week and reflected as a gain on the scale. This one was very tough to take. I was perfect all week!

While I still feel like 5.8 pounds for 5 weeks is slow and stingy it is in the right direction and it does feel good to be in the 170's. Now I just have to never allow the 180s to creep back onto the scale. 
If I stay at this pace every 5 weeks I will hit my goal of at least 30 pounds by age 40 in September. 
I must admit I was very discouraged and bummed out this past week. I bitched a lot about the scale. Didn't help that I had a cold, a hemorrhoid, a stiff neck and an 18 month old (who is like a hemorrhoid in human form). I stuck with it and was determined that the scale would change for my 5th weigh in. 
I also felt lighter.

 I know it's only 5.8 pounds but my body feels a little different. Less puffy or something. My stomach and thighs just feel a little different in my clothes which is always a sign. 
I do secretly wish that the total pounds for 5 weeks was higher because I am completely hunkered down and not eating out or going out socially in order to get off to a good start with this weight loss while it is still winter and it might be a lot slower once life picks up and there are more social engagements. Oh well. A loss is a loss.

As far as hunger goes, I am pretty satisfied and not dying of hunger all day. I am not craving my crunchy snacks like I used to. I am most hungry at lunch and I try to save my calories and eat a bigger lunch. I have eliminated the morning snack and now eat Breakfast, lunch 3pmish snack and dinner. I am more motivated to eat protein because I really don't crave snacks when I eat enough protein. I still eat some dark chocolate almost every day.

Ok Biggest Loser 5 weeks progression pics:

BACK Jan 15 185lbs

BACK Feb 19 179.2 lbs

FRONT Jan 15 185 lbs
FRONT Feb 19 179.2 lbs

SIDE Jan 15 185 lbs

SIDE Feb 19 179.2 lbs

Ok it just took me about 4 hours to write this post because my 4 year old has a friend over and there was a "teaparty" on a beach towel on the kitchen floor involving a lot of water and soggy goldfish and then my daughter's friend slipped on the wet floor from the tea party water that was everywhere and she cried and I had to make sure she was ok and then have them help me clean up the crime scene. 


Later Tubsters. 

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