Tuesday, April 2, 2013

11th Weigh In

Well...I have been MIA since weigh in 8.  I had 2 gains in a row and was in a slump and needed a break from posting. Weigh in 9 I was up 1 pound at 177.8. Weigh in 10 I was up another .4 at 178.2. It was very discouraging.

This morning I weighed in and I am -1.4 back to where I was at weigh in 8 (3weeks ago on 3/12!!):

So yes I am glad to be down 1.4 from last week but I am not at a new low. That means my next weigh in needs to kick ass to make up for basically a month of stagnation! I am going to shoot for a 2 lb loss but I'll take anything. That is 7.8 lbs in 11 weeks. THIS SHIT TAKES PATIENCE Y'ALL. I really want to see a new low number. It seems like it has been forever. 

I finally feel motivated again today. Two gaining weigh ins in a row messes with your head and your motivation. I never gave up completely but I did stop logging my food which is the kiss of death. 

I gotta say I have been hungrier than usual over the past 3 weeks and the things that used to fill me up aren't getting it done for me so I need to mix up my meals I know that. I found myself eating kids leftovers and craving crunchy salty snacks. 

I have thought about lowering my daily calorie max but I honestly don't think I can sustain it. 1,500 a day I can do but 1,200 every day would be really tough. I am going to try to do 1,200 a couple days a week and see how it goes.

It is starting to get nicer out and when I take the kids outside in the afternoon I don't think about food and I am more active so I hope that will help as Spring weather gets warmer.

This past week I had the most possible sabotages that I have had since I started in January and I made it through. Both days that I went out to dinner I looked up the menu online and pre-logged what I was going to eat and stuck to it exactly. I only had one drink each night :(. Easter Sunday I didn't log and definitely ate more than I should but somehow I made it through. I did do an extra day of tennis on Saturday for a couple hours which probably helped a bit. I don't have any temptations this week or weekend so I am going to try to really rock it.

Even though I am not at a new low I still took progress pics to keep me on task (same weight as pics from last post so nothing new to see here):




Again, I do have a small space above my knees that I didn't have before. I wish I had that at the inner thigh mark! 

I REALLY hope to have good news next week. Warm weather is coming soon and I am still only fit for a "sensible swim suit". Need to stay connected to myfitnesspal!!! Tubstergoo focus in effect. LOOSE SKIN HERE I COME!!!

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