Monday, October 22, 2012

Muffin Top Monday

Today is one week that I have changed my eating but I didn't weigh myself until last Wednesday (I wasn't quite mentally prepared to face my numbers on Monday) so my first weigh in on Wednesday will reflect 9 days of starvation instead of the 7 I plan on every week going forward. I do NOT like to weigh myself in between weigh ins. It is psychological torture.

I have not written down everything I eat and I have not religiously measured things. I know I will need to start doing those things but I am easing into the process. I do, however, feel like I have made major restrictions and drastic changes to the amount I eat primarily when it comes to snacking which I usually do like a machine (that and eating kid leftovers). Right now I am relying on common sense and being honest with myself. Blogging helps me stay honest.

I have done minimal exercise due to knee problem. Went to PT two times last week. Taken a few walks and done Pt exercises but that's it. Nothing close to what I would like to do.

Today's breakfast:
1 Van's wheat and gluten free waffle 115 calories
1/2 tbsp earth balance "buttery spread" 50 calories
1 cup coffee with a bit of half and half and 2 sugar in raw packets (trying not to eat Splenda which sucks because Splenda and I are quite fond of one another and it is calorie free)

I know there a million better choices for me to eat for breakfast but I have an unusual adult love for toaster waffles. I could eat a whole box in one day and usually would eat two for breakfast so for now I am cutting my old habit in half before I force myself to eat a better choice like yogurt or an egg or steel cut oatmeal etc..

Morning snack:
1/2 banana

Gigantic salad with:
baby spinach
red onion
1/2 avocado
1/2 hard boiled egg
1 small breaded chicken chunk (less chicken than my one year old could eat)
tiny amount of feta
tablespoon pine nuts
2 tbsp (this I did measure) Ken's Honey Balsamic dressing SO DELICIOUS 90 calories

There are probably a lot of calories in this salad and I don't feel like calculating it but they are all quality calories so I don't feel bad and it will fill me. It takes a bit of effort to prepare a salad for lunch so Monday is a good day for me to do that because my 4 year old is in school until 1pm. This salad is friggen delicious. I wish I could eat a half a loaf of bread with it but it's still yum.

I probably should not have anything else for lunch but I may top it all off with a caramel nut brownie Luna Bar for "dessert".

I'll have a greek yogurt for an afternoon snack around 3pm and I think dinner will be an egg white omelet.

Probably seems like a lot of food but remember I am Large Marge. The more weight I lose the less I will be able to eat. We'll see on Wednesday if I have been restricting enough. Maybe that will force to start writing it all down which is so tedious and I feel like I can never be consistent about it.

Also, I had my sister take my measurements yesterday. We insulted each other throughout the process. I think every 10 or 15 lbs I will re-take them to see progress. For now, here are the sobering, staggering stats:

Bust: 37 3/4" (measured along bottom of bra so does not include over the top of the cans.
Waist: 41 1/2" Sweet Jesus. I feel like I have the girth of Alfred Hitchcock. This is bigger than my husbands waist!
Thighs: 22 3/4" ACDC was not writing abut me in "Shook me All Night Long"
Arm: 12 1/2 " Meathooks
Hips 42"LOL! My waist is only slighty smaller than my hips. Take that Sir Mix a Lot.
Neck: 14 3/4" Thank God for hereditary turkey necks on both sides

It's all out there now. The lbs, the inches and the cold hard truth staring me in the face in those biggest loser photos. It can only get better from here!

Smell ya later dicks I have to go change a deuce.

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