Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Weigh In


I starved myself for 9 days for a mere half a pound. 

I weigh 187.2.

So disappointed. I know I am not supposed to be and that I should be happy it went down no matter how much. However, usually the first week of drastically changing your diet, you get big bang for your buck from shaking up your system. Perhaps I will see a better number next week so I won't lose my mind too much. 

It is not de-motivating me. I am going to keep going. 

I also need to get used to the fact that my exercise is minimal due to knee so this will be slower than I like.

So I looked up a photo of what a half a pound of fat looks like to make me feel better:

I promised myself I would do biggest loser pics every weigh in to keep myself honest so here we go again, I wonder where the .6 came from? :) 

From the looks of things, the .6 definitely did not come from stomach. YIKES! This might get mistaken for a pregnancy Blog if I don't drop some lbs fast!

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