Thursday, November 1, 2012

Second weigh in


Down 2 lbs this week. Total of 2.6 so far. This process is much slower than I have done in the past when I was working out a lot.

185.2 is my new weight.

Here is what 2.6 lbs of fat looks like:

Here is what 185.2 lbs on a 5' 7" 39 year old looks like:

I obviously have a long way to go. I have only been doing this for 16 days. My knees hurt more now than when I started PT so I am discouraged there and I need to get in touch with the PT and discuss.  I am not any closer to getting back to my workouts. I celebrated my Mom's Birthday on Saturday and ate stuff I shouldn't. However, I am proud to say I dod not eat a single piece of Halloween candy. I can't remember the last time that happened. 

I would love to get back to the 170s by Christmas. Should be do-able. 

Keep your chins up!